SAE ARP4005 Selection and Application of Relays for Proper Performance

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Product Code:SAE ARP4005
Title:Selection and Application of Relays for Proper Performance
Issuing Committee:Ae-8b3 Relays Committee
Scope: This Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides information to guide the selection of electromechanical relays in both electrical and electronic circuits and their application in aerospace, ground, and shipboard systems to achieve proper performance. Relays intended for use in aerospace industry and military applications are substantially different from those produced for industrial applications. Most industrial relays are designed so that the user can cover contact sets from NO to NC (and vice versa); add and replace auxiliary contact sets; change ore replace coils; use coils on systems up to 600 V 50 to 60 Hz; and expect relays to last for many operations. Aerospace relays are designed to be nonrepairable with fixed contact configuration, relatively short life, and generally for systems not exceeding 200 V and 400 Hz. A family of relays is approved by the military for applications not exceeding 270 VDC. All of these relays are sealed. Adjustment is not possible. A user can make no changes after relays leave the producing facility. These relays are high-performance, low volume and low mass types with short life, when compared to industrial types, and have little margin to tolerate an application or selection error. Relays approved for aerospace by the military are summarized in MIL-STD-1346. This standard provides a current listing of military standard relays. The user then evaluate these relays to determine with relays are most suitable for the application at hand and select the military relay part number from the detail specification sheet. Each of the manufacturers employ a staff of applications engineers who should be consulted if there is uncertainty in matching a relay to a specific application.
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英文名称:Standard method for using the ferrous sulfat (fricke) dosimeter to measure absorbed dose in water
中标分类: 综合 >> 计量 >> 电离辐射计量
替代情况:替代GB/T 139-1989
发布部门:中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会
主管部门: 中国核工业集团公司
提出单位: 中国核工业集团公司
归口单位: 全国核能标准化技术委员会

本标准代替GB/T 139-1989《使用硫酸亚铁剂量计测量水中吸收剂量的标准方法》。
本标准与GB/T 139-1989相比主要变化如下:
———增加了“在25℃ 辐照和测量时,推荐的ε·G的乘积值为:3.52×10-4m2·J-1(在303nm处)”的内容;






GB2637 安瓿
GB/T15446 辐射加工剂量学术语
GB/T15447 X、γ射线和电子束辐照不同材料吸收剂量的换算方法
GB/T16509 辐射加工剂量测量不确定度评定导则(GB/T16509—2008,ISO/ASTM 51707:2005,IDT)
GB/T16510 辐射加工吸收剂量学校准实验室的能力要求(GB/T16510—2008,ISO/ASTM51400:2002,IDT)
GB/T16640 辐射加工剂量测量系统的选择和校准导则(GB/T16640—2008,ISO/ASTM51261:2002,IDT)
JJG682 双光束紫外可见分光光度计
JJG689 紫外、可见、近红外分光光度计
ASTM E668 使用热释光(TLD)剂量测量系统确定电子设备辐射损伤试验中吸收剂量的实践
ICRU 第34号报告 脉冲辐射剂量学
ICRU 第35号报告 初始能量为1 MeV~50 MeV 的电子束辐射剂量学
ICRU 第60号报告 电离辐射基本量和单位
ICRU 第64号报告 水吸收剂量标准为基础的高能光子束剂量学
PIRS0815 IRSFricke 剂量测量系统

所属分类: 综合 计量 电离辐射计量
Product Code:SAE J928
Title:Electrical Terminals--Pin and Receptacle Type
Issuing Committee:Electrical Distribution Systems Steering Committee
Scope:This SAE Standard covers general requirements and terminal interface dimensions of various sizes of pin and receptacle type terminals.